Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Ten Days Gone by Beverly Long

This book is about two detectives, A.L. and Rena who are desperately trying to track down a serial killer in their town. They not only have to solve several murders, but also have to stop the next one from happening. The killer is killing a woman every ten days and they still can't find a pattern. I won't go too much into plot since half the fun is finding out what is going on yourself. I will say that I liked how not only did we get a police procedural/mystery, we also got a glimpse into A.L.'s and Rena's personal lives. Sometimes that is overlooked in a story.

However, be forewarned,this is also put out by Harlequin so there is some romance. No, there is nothing graphic. I thought that part of the story was a little far fetched but for those who like the romance genre, it shouldn't be any issue.

I liked the police/mystery part. At first, when all was revealed, I had to think about how I felt the whole thing wrapped up. I realized that this was actually a creative reason behind the killings. I wasn't too surprised at who it was but was more surprised at the why. I thought the author gave a creative spin to what could have been a typical run of the mill mystery.

I see that this is first in a series and even though I am usually not into the romance genre, the author kept me engrossed enough in the story and the characters to make me want to see what becomes of A.L. and Rena.

Thank you to the publisher and to NetGalley for this opportunity. I enjoyed it!

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