Friday, February 4, 2022

The Couple at Number 9 by Clarie Douglas


The Couple at Number 9 was ...well hang on a second (lol).  The story is about Saffy and her husband Tom who inherit a home from her grandmother Rose.  Right off the bat the story takes off by telling the reader that there are two bodies in the garden of the home.  That was enough to blow me away right there and it was practically right there on the first page. No beating around the bush here! 

Saffy was really close to her grandmother, Rose, who is now, sadly, in an assisted care home suffering from dementia.  Rose hadn't lived in the cottage at number 9 in decades.  In fact, Saffys mother Lorna, doesn't ever remember living there either. So, either woman isn't going to be much help in telling anyone who these bodies belong to in her yard.  

An investigation ensues and so does a journey into the past concerning Rose and Lorna when she was little.  What could have happened back then to have not one, but two bodies in the yard? Who are they? I couldn't wait to find out. 

Let me tell you, when I found out what happened my mouth dropped open and I don't mean in a bad way.  I am a huge reader and sometimes I am incredulous when I get to the end of a book and think, "Is that IT?"  NOT the case here. My mouth dropped open in shock.  I was so thrilled with this clever unfolding of events.  I had one issue in the book that seemed kind of forced, but otherwise this was a crazy ride and I mean that in a good way!  It was so fun and if you want a really fast read with an ending that kept me guessing, this is for you.  I really enjoyed it.  This may have been my first Claire Douglas book but it won't be my last.  Unfortunately, you will have to wait until late Summer 2022, but it will be worth it! 

Thank you so much to NetGalley and to the publisher for this opportunity. No review was required. 

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