Wednesday, July 31, 2024

My Darling Boy by Helen Cooper


My Darling Boy by Helen Cooper is about two sons, their mothers who are best friends, living a quiet life until it all comes apart at the seams. One of the sons is dead, by the other's hand. Both mothers are in mourning, one for her son and the other HER son, both grieving the loss of the life they all once shared. 

Let me start by saying I love Helen Cooper. She's an automatic author for me. I'll read whatever she puts out.  My two cents for this one is a little different though. I wanted to find out what was going on, but honestly, it took me a little longer than I would have liked to finish the book. The "twist" was okay, but not too shocking.  However, I will say that the way one of the characters turned out was more shocking to me than anything.  All in all, it was good and while I have enjoyed this author's other books a little better, I did enjoy this one as well. Releases in the United States December 2024. 

 Thank you to Netgalley and to the publisher! No review was required.